Friday, August 24, 2012

$14.95 SALE SPF Brand 100% Cotton Sun Protective Long Sleeve T-Shirts UPF 50

Long Sleeve Sun Protective T-shirt Sale


  1. This fabulous UPF 50 cotton fabric has changed my life. As a lupus patient, I have to stay out of the sun or risk a lupus flare. I live in Southern California, so this means putting on long sleeves to go out in 100+ degrees. Until I started wearing the SPF Store's soft, breathable cotton fabrics, I was uncomfortable most of the time.

    Thanks to the SPF Store for helping to create a better quality of life for me!

  2. such a impressive price with $14.95 Cotton Sun Protective Long Sleeve T-shirt Sale thanks so much to share with this package.

    Brand Consultant Singapore | Singapore Expert Brand Consultant
